I have successfully survived two days of work! Doha Film Institute (DFI) the over-arching company that runs the festival, along with a lot of other film initiatives in Doha, is located in the beautiful Katara Cultural Village. Much like some construction in the states, it seems to be running a bit behind schedule. My department, Hospitality, is located in the port-o-cabins, a very nice way of saying temporary office trailers. While most of the departments are in their rightful home, or at least on the property of Katara, I should feel somewhat lucky as there are still departments working out of converted hotel rooms at the W!
My job, Hospitality Tent Coordinator, is to oversee all the activities that goes on in the tent during the festival - set up/clean up/break down, etc. The tent looks like it is going to be awesome...when it is finally constructed...i the next two weeks. All the pieces have arrived from Dubai (nothing seems to actually be in Doha, all production materials are ordered from Dubai or Bahrain or other equally exotic locations, and then shipped/trucked in) and the tent guys are flying in from London this weekend to start on the construction the 12th. Until then, I have stared at the drawings 1,000 times and read a lot on the internet.
Hello Kerry! :) Share some pics soon please....