Made it to Harry Potter yesterday and we decided to splurge - IMAX and 3D! It was a bit intense and we were sitting a hair too close but it was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, GO! Movies in Qatar are usually censored but apparently the censoring gets worse the longer the film is in the theater - gives more people time to complain about indecent things! As it stands, I don't think anything was cut, but I wouldn't know either. You also have assigned seating in theaters so it's not a total free-for-all for the best seats - you just have to get there early enough to reserve a good seat!
After the movie (which was at a mall...shocker) we went and grabbed some food and then did some shopping at the mall, I got an AMAZING ring at H&M and a long sleeved flowy top.
Work is going fine; it's all the nitty gritty stuff now, like internet connections and power. Super sexy stuff...
We're trying to go to a Spin class at the Interncontental hotel tomorrow after work, I just have to remember to bring my gym clothes!
we're going to the 11:30 am show tomorrow... tickets already purchased, I'm so excited!